Na de auto van de paus nu ook zn flat te koop
Nadat vorige maand de auto die eens van de paus was geweest op eBay verkocht werd voor ruim 180.000 euro, staat nu ook de flat waar hij eens gewoont heeft te koop.
An apartment once lived in by Pope Benedict XVI has been put up for sale on eBay with a starting price of just 70 pence.
The Pope lived in the flat on Wurzerstrasse in Bonn between 1959 and 1963 when he taught theology at the University of Bonn.
Wat zal er allemaal nog meer te vinden zijn van de oud kardinaal Joseph Ratzinger?
Hier vind je een mooi artikel over dat deze paus de eerste verkozen paus is in het internet tijdperk. Lees hier het hele artikel: The Inquirer
De verkiezing van Ratzinger als paus leidde ertoe dat er een stroom van ratzinger producten op eBay aangeboden werd.
Ratzinger became the first Pope of the post-Globalization world. And the first Pope election in the Internet Age.
Screenshot by The Inquirer
So, for the first time ever after a papal election, dozens of items referring to his new Holiness instantly popped up on eBay, the world's leading auctions web site, the minute the Pope's new name was announced,
Items range from books, simple photographs, to fridge magnets (!), to a handsigned photograph that is currently selling for over a hundred dollars. What really strikes me is the speed of some of those sellers. Some of the auctions for "Pope Ratzinger" items end this same day, which probably means that sellers had the items already photographed, the description already typed up, and the entries ready to publish and eBay forms pre-filled, and probably were waiting with their cursor over the "submit" button, waiting for the new Pope's name confirmation while watching live TV from the Vatican. Simply amazing!. There's some very creative people who put their best effort in making a quick buck, I conclude.
Bron: The Inquirer

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